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Last updated: 20.09.2019

BODE Chemie GmbH (BODE) Virtual Patent Marking

The following patent list shall satisfy the requirement for the virtual patent marking in the United States of America. The list of BODE product(s) and patents on this website may not be all inclusive, which means that BODE products not contained in the list may as well be protected by patents. Also, product(s) on the list may be protected by patents in the U.S. or elsewhere not shown here.

Product: STERILLIUM Foam

US 7,199,090

US 8,313,758

US 7,683,018

US 8,569,219

US 8,697,103

US 8,124,115

US 8,679,516

US 8,263,098

US 8,685,422

US 8,309,111

US 8,691,255