Evidence-based, best in class solutions that prevent infection

Pre-packaged, disposable medical sets, such as MediSet®, optimally support hospitals in their efforts to reduce healthcare-associated infections (nosocomial infections), while saving both time and stress for nursing staff.

A holistic approach

Healthcare-associated infections are currently one of the greatest preventable threats, not only to patient safety, but also to working conditions for healthcare professionals and institutions’ bottom lines. There’s no single solution to prevent this.

HARTMANN has devised a holistic approach to help fight HAIs that follows the multimodal approach recommended by the WHO1. A customized suite of solutions, combining products, on-site support, guidelines, digital tools, and training, that facilitates medical professionals to work more efficiently and enhances compliance to standardized practices which contributes to a reduction in HAI incidence rates.

Pre-packed care sets: addressing the needs of healthcare professionals

Many HAIs result from inadequate compliance to standard care procedures that are complex and prone to human error2. Such shortcomings are usually not due to a lack of knowledge, but implementation difficulties resulting from staff shortage, lack of time and complicated material handling.

Pre-packed, sterile kits are a simple yet effective means to prevent asepsis breach while also saving time during standard care procedures. According to research, they can reduce errors by 35%3 because all the required components are ready to hand.

Infusion MediSet® kits from HARTMANN

HARTMANN offers a range of MediSet® kits for vascular access, including kits for peripheral venous catheters (PVC), which are identified as critical processes and causes of infections. Hartmann is the first to develop a set for PVC procedures.

HARTMANN‘s MediSet® kits range from basic to full equipment and are designed to match your habits of care. The sets cover all needs whatever ward or environment the procedure is performed in.

Nicolas Krieg, district nurse, Duttlenheim, France
"They help me adhere to the standard procedures for specific care processes, because their composition has been precisely defined to fit the protocols. If the sets weren‘t available, most procedures would require additional manual work. I would also be more likely to omit essential protocol steps, which would increase the risk of infection"

A solution tailored to your needs

HARTMANN’s holistic approach goes beyond just products. We want to partner with healthcare institutions on a continuous improvement process to minimize the impact of healthcare-associated infections. Together, we will identify potential actions and implementation solutions that fit your institution’s needs, support you in determining standard protocols for care procedures and finding the products that meet your needs. We provide training modules for staff in the form you deem best for your institution. And we will assist you in monitoring progress and making further adjustments where needed. With our expertise, portfolio, and services, we are there with you every step of the way.