Hygiene education can reduce Healthcare-acquired infections by a third. Hartmann produces and educates about hand and surface disinfectants.
At HARTMANN we recognise the importance of hygiene in reducing healthcare-associated infections. Not only do we offer an extensive range of products – for hand, skin, surface and instrument disinfection – but we also supply materials to inform and educate healthcare workers and patients of their value. Importantly, to encourage frequent use, we are committed to ensuring that our products are effective and compatible.
Our mission is to educate and encourage use
At our BODE/HARTMANN SCIENCE CENTER we are focused on improving patient protection by advancing research and offering scientific and specialised expertise on hygiene management. We continuously innovate and challenge conventional thinking on staff and patient protection and develop practical and innovative solutions and standards.
From day-to-day use to outbreak situations
Bacillol®, Baktolan®, Baktolin®, Bodedex®, BODE X-Wipes, Bomix®, Cutasept®, Dismoclean®, Dismozon®, Kohrsolin®, Korsolex®, Manusept®, Mikrobac®, Stellisept®, Sterillium®
Available in Hong Kong areBacillol®, Baktolin® and Sterillium®.